WinZone-TIC for humans beings

Montagem de um LCL - Assembly

Category: By André Delgado

E equ P3.5
RW equ P3.6
RS equ P3.7
org 00h
;------------------------------------------------ LCD init ---------------------------------------------------
t30ms: mov TMOD,#00000001b ;start delay 30ms
mov TH0,#94h
mov TL0,#01h
clr TF0
setb TR0
wait1: jnb TF0,wait1
func: clr RS ;set bits to send intructions
clr RW
clr E
mov P1,#00111000b ;2 lines, 5x7 caracter
lcall send
onoff: mov P1,#00001100b ;display ON, cursor and blink OFF
lcall send
clean: mov P1,#00000001b ;clear LCD
lcall send
datain: mov P1,#00000110b ;increment mode,total shift OFF
lcall send
;------------------------------------------------ LCD init end ---------------------------------------------
line1: setb RS ;set bit to send data (line1)
mov P1,#20h ;' '
lcall send
mov P1,#20h ;' '
lcall send
mov P1,#4Dh ;'M'
lcall send
mov P1,#41h ;'A'
lcall send
mov P1,#58h ;'X'
lcall send
mov P1,#49h ;'I'
lcall send
mov P1,#4Dh ;'M'
lcall send
mov P1,#2Dh ;'-'
lcall send
mov P1,#44h ;'D'
lcall envia
mov P1,#41h ;'A'
lcall send
mov P1,#4Ch ;'L'
lcall send
mov P1,#4Ch ;'L'
lcall send
mov P1,#41h ;'A'
lcall send
mov P1,#53h ;'S'
lcall send
line: clr RS ;set bit to send intruction
mov P1,#11000000b ;go to line2
lcall send
line2: setb RS ;set bit to send data (line2)
mov P1,#77h ;'w'
lcall send
mov P1,#77h ;'w'
lcall send
mov P1,#77h ;'w'
lcall send
mov P1,#2Eh ;'.'
lcall send
mov P1,#6Dh ;'m'
lcall send
mov P1,#61h ;'a'
lcall send
mov P1,#78h ;'x'
lcall send
mov P1,#69h ;'i'
lcall send
mov P1,#6Dh ;'m'
lcall send
mov P1,#2Dh ;'-'
lcall send
mov P1,#69h ;'i'
lcall send
mov P1,#63h ;'c'
lcall send
mov P1,#2Eh ;'.'
lcall send
mov P1,#63h ;'c'
lcall send
mov P1,#6Fh ;'o'
lcall send
mov P1,#6Dh ;'m'
lcall send
ljmp $
t01ms: mov TH0,#0FCh ;time delay to pulse Enable bit
mov TL0,#67h
clr TF0
setb TR0
wait2: jnb TF0,wait2
send: setb E ;pulse Enable bit
lcall t01ms
clr E
lcall t01ms

Assembly code in txt format - LCD 20x4


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